  1. A Prayer

From the recording Baobob


A Prayer
Dear God help me be good in this world. Help me to do good. Guide me so I don't end up like our leaders. Who say one thing do another. Kill, maim. The world is not a good place right now there is a darkness hanging over it that seems never ending. It seems that 2 sides of darkness are fighting each other and the only outcome can be more darkness.
Dear God we are your creations. We live at your mercy. Please help us. Although we may be few there are good here. And we're doing our best. Please guide us and help us. To make the world a better place for ourselves, for our children and for all future generations. Please help us so we leave the world in a condition that someone would actually want it. Even the Salvation Army will turn somethings down. Guide us the best you can help us along on our journey.
Oh God we don't blame you you gave us our free will and look what we've don't with it. I can't say for everyone, but I'm ashamed of my species. I put myself in your hands to do with as you please.
Dear God save this earth.