From the recording Sigh


Beneath A Stone

Out of the blue
it came without warning
what do you do
to prepare for the storm,
there is no pathway
that works all the time
there are no answers
that always shine

feel the need to get away chorus
the need to be alone
into the calm, out of the fray
heart beneath a stone

I savor the misery
it lets me know I feel
no one can really see
what is and isn’t real
I try to get away
I try to hide alone
trying to run away
trying to find a home

how do you have hope
when you really feel shame
how do you cope
when there is nothing to gain
how do you have joy
when it all seems the same
you want to point your finger
but who would you blame

never again will you be friendly
never again will you care
the pain that comes, comes with the ending
isn’t worth the joy, the joy that you share chorus