Americans are lazy. They won’t vote, they will let the police do whatever they please without too much objection, even if it is to themselves. They will believe anything they hear especially if it is repeated to them over and over. They have freedom but do they deserve it? The older I get the less I think they are deserving of it. They won’t fight to protect it. Yet they will allow the people in charge to send their sons and daughters off to fight for it under questionable reasoning without thinking twice about it. They will listen to those running the show and eat the shit they are fed. It boggles the mind some of the time and other times I just shrug my shoulders and say... yeah, that seems to be the ‘American Way’ anymore:

Let someone else do it...
But I would actually have to think to perform that act...
What ever is the easiest way... I don’t care.
You decide....
Voting takes effort and it doesn’t do anything...
Both sides are the same why bother...

You see what I mean, it is that type of attitude that drives me bonkers. I don’t know what the solution is. It would take something monumentally bad I suspect to wake people up. After September 11 I hoped that people would wake up sort of, but it seems they were suddenly ready to give away all their freedoms. It almost seems that it was then that they shut down their ability to reason and question their leaders. Security at all cost and yet since then how many shootings have there been and how many people have died at the hands of American terrorists, but they still demonize the brown and the black skins. That right there shows the inability to think and to take in facts and evaluate a situation. You want security? You want it more than freedom. How ‘bout we lock you up in a cell and bring you 3 squares a day for the rest of your pathetic life, no one will get you then. Except perhaps the guard, maybe he will terrorize you. It isn’t possible for complete and utter security. I want freedom. I’d rather die because I was out wandering in the woods and some white guy comes along and kills me and all the animals in the vicinity than to be sitting at home locked in my house.

Americans are lazy. They are lazy mentally. They are lazy physically. They are lazy spiritually. They are lazy. Now I will hold that other countries may also be lazy but I don’t observe them like I do Americans. Americans have this chest pounding thing they like to fake but then they deep down live in fear. It is a fear that if they were not so intellectually weak would be assuaged with a little reason and thought but they would have to reason and think.... I think Vegas would give big odds on that happening.

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